Saturday, October 27, 2018

Adopt A Cat, Save A Life: Graphics Celebrating Shelter & Rescue Kitties

Rescuing an animal from a legitimate organization is one of the best things you can do! Not only does that save a life, but also benefits the facility by opening up a new space and providing them with some of the funds needed to continue their work.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Grocery Hauler of Epic Proportions | Meet the Giant Shopping Cart On Wheels

Billed as "The World's only STREET-LEGAL shopping cart", it swivels heads and draws an obscene amount of attention everywhere it goes. These are some photos I took of the Shopper Chopper Giant Shopping Cart during it's visit to Ocean City, Maryland in 2015. Since I'm at sort of a loss to describe it I stole their FAQ from the website: "The Shopper Chopper is a nine-foot-tall small-block-Chevy-powered, STREET-LEGAL attention-grabbing giant shopping cart. From the rumble of the 350 cubic-inch engine to the 600+ LED lights, the Shopper Chopper attracts a crowd wherever it goes. Explore the site to learn more about the cart and how you can have it at your event."

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

"I Found My New Home" | Clip Art Celebrating Rescued & Adopted Dogs and Cats

My first post was sort of an overview of some of the images I've created, highlighting the importance of adoption and rescue (Live, Love, Rescue | Images and Graphics Promoting Adoption for Cats and Dogs). This time I'm including a number of clip art words which feature text that could be posted to announce a new home, or since they are transparent (.png files), could be added onto your own photos and pictures. However you choose to use them, the message is still the same; we love to see homeless animals finding a home filled with love! To download, click on any image to open a larger version in a new window, then right click "save" to keep on your computer. NOTE: these were created as transparent (png) images, so be sure and save them as that option to retain the transparency aspect.

Monday, October 22, 2018

"History on Wheels" | A 1966 Mack Fire Engine That Caught My Eye

For years I have found fire and rescue vehicles have been one of my most favorite subject to photograph. I spotted this truck resting quietly in a corner of the Ocean City convention center during the annual Maryland Firefighters Convention. It wasn't front and center as were the new pieces of gleaming apparatus and the freshly detailed latest rescue rigs, but instead parked off to the side, as if to avoid upstaging the large, shiny equipment on display. The plaque attached to the side, just above an antique ax read "1966 C-95 Mack, owned by Sean Space of Baltimore, Maryland", and painted on the doors and front of the engine was "Zelienople 3 Fire Department".

Thursday, October 18, 2018

"Live, Love, Rescue" | Images & Graphics Promoting Adoption for Cats and Dogs

Did you know that you can be a hero right where you live? It's true - every single day, countless numbers of individuals all across the country decide to save lives by visiting and adopting a new family member. Whether you connect with a local rescue in your state, the county animal shelter or city humane society, choosing to adopt is the smartest option out there! The love and wonderful gratitude in the eyes of a creature who has been given a wonderful new home is a beautiful thing to see, and if you have not adopted before I sincerely encourage you to look for resources in your local area. It has seemed to me that quite often our "pre-owned" furry friends are indeed aware that they were specially chosen to make our home complete, and I think they know that being rescued is a very big deal. We wouldn't have it any other way!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Everyone Can Lend A Paw "Support Your Local Animal Shelter"

Images and graphics encouraging assistance, volunteer efforts and support of area animal shelters and rescues. Helping the folks that work right in your own area saving homeless pets is a win-win for everyone! We encourage you to share, download and respost these graphics on your social channels - just click to open any image in a new window for the larger version and then save to your computer or device. See more on my Facebook page too!